No point hanging out in the gutter after a snow storm.
These gents grab some real estate.
On some streets you have to ride right in the middle.
I'm happy they plowed at least one bikeway.
Friday night, we had a nice snow storm which left about 5 inches of fluffy snow. I was happy to see it, because I hadn't rode in some good snow for awhile. But when you get this much snow it, becomes a little more challenging. Being an early 21st Century American city, Minneapolis' biking infrastructure isn't what it could be. There aren't that many bike lanes, much less bike paths to begin with. When the snow falls you have to deal with a much smaller street. I have found that getting out and making your presence known is the safest way, especially when you get this much snow. Riding on side walks or in the gutter aren't really good options because that's where the most snow is.
My experience is for the most part, Minneapolis drivers are more aware of cyclists than ever before. But I don't take that for granted. There are the occasional suburbanite's who make their way into the city. In the suburbs it seems, bikes should only be seen on bike trails, on weekends. Best to just to assume that people aren't looking. I'm always making sure I know who's behind me and who's coming my way.
While progress is slower than I'd wish, I think we are moving towards a more bikeable city. But let's not wait for Obama to bring that about.