Saturday, March 14, 2009

Smells Like Springtime

Water hazards

Cycle mob

Couch Potato's

One thing that happens when Winter comes is you lose the ability to smell much outside.  The cold air constricts the blood vessels in your nose, and there isn't as much to smell anyways because the frigid temperature keeps things from decaying.  And that's is much of what we are smelling outside.  Decaying stuff.  

Well, today we reached a temperature(50F) where I could actually smell things besides car exhaust.  It wasn't the pretty smells of Spring though.  Not flowers and grass.  It was rougher smells like dog poop that filled the air and my nostrils.  My landlords dogs have been pooping in the yard all winter and now, like the Dawn of the Dead they have risen again.  And it's not pretty... the smell is not pretty at all.  But I'm okay with it, because I know that it this means that things are changing and finer smells will soon arrive.


anna said...

Love the couch potato pic. Well, 50F isn't too bad. About the smell I don't know. Haven't experienced anything like that before. Or wait, the dog shit I also smelled the other day along the Gürtel bike path. I hope that there will be fine smells here too, but I doubt it (unless I go to a park or ride outside).

spiderleggreen said...

You must have the bad smells first. But when the sweet smells come, look out!

I was in Vienna when it turned from Winter to Spring. Drab to Fab. In Vienna you would see everybody out sweeping up the dirt and grit(which looked different from ours) on the sidewalk and street in front of them. A lot of people, here, wouldn't do that. Not the street anyways, they'd leave that for the sweepers.

anna said...

Well, I haven't seen people doing this. But since last year we have so-called "waste watchers" in Vienna. They might actually give you a ticket if you drop some garbage!

anna said...

Oh, sorry. Now I know what you mean. Actually, it's a bit complicated because the house owners are responsible for their bit of the sidewalk in front of their house, meaning that they are responsible if somebody falls down if they didn't clear it of snow. That's why they also have to collect their grit at the end of the winter (and probably reuse it the next year). Similar problems with roof avalanches.

spiderleggreen said...

Waste watchers not weight watchers? ;)

I do remember that in Vienna you had to watch out for the dog poop because people didn't pick it up.

Unknown said...

gotta love all the water hazards this time of year...